Maybe Crypto shouldn't be invisible, after all
And why learning the Web3 underlying technology is quite important
I'm seeing a lot of these types of statements:
'Crypto' needs to be transparent in order to Web3 reach the mainstream.
Facebook doesn't talk about python or MySQL database on their landing pages
People don’t care about private keys, networks or blockchains. They just want the value provided by the app.
and so on.
This is partially true but is important to pay attention to some caveats.
Yes, if you are selling a product and your pitch is a bunch of infrastructure technology, probably you are doing this wrong. You should be talking about the problem you solve and how.
That being said, yes, technological user education still keeps being extremely important.
For a regular user to be able to send an e-mail to another user, he doesn't need to know any technical concept about E-mail, such as domain or DNS registers.
But, this only applies if they are really a basic user and don't explore or create anything in the tech industry, and don't have any professional growth ambition.
Otherwise, if they are even a little more advanced user, such as a solopreneur, or a dedicated employee, you can bet they will need to know at least the basics of the underlying technology.
How to buy a domain; how to set up the MX records on DNS, how to set up a simple website in a host, etc.
Don't understand basic concepts like host, DNS, server, domain, subdomain, and register might let the path a lot harder.
And don't think this can be applied just to a tech company founder/employee. If you one day have needed to buy a domain and set up a website/email for yourself, do you know what I'm talking about, right?
So, yes, the most transparent the Web3 apps' UX, the easier will be the adoption.
But this doesn’t mean that creators, entrepreneurs, or anyone who doesn't see themselves as basic users, shouldn't learn the underlying crypto technologies.
Quite the opposite.
We are heading into a digital-first world.
Everything goes digital and on-chain.
If you want to become an elite professional, to understand the tech basics is not optional.
It is a high priority.